The Montpelier Downtown Community Association always puts on a great Fourth of July party with a parade, music events, and a spectacular fireworks display. The association is also an active supporter of the arts and has again organized Montpelier SculptCycle for 2009. SculptCycle is a public art partnership that brings together a talented group of artists and a special group of sponsors. Intended to enrich the entire community, SculptCycle's goals are ambitious indeed: it fills Montpelier with great art made from recycled bicycle parts, highlights the importance of environmental stewardship by using local recycled materials, and promotes Montpelier as a bicycle-friendly destination.
There are a total of 19 sculptures that range from whimsical to thought-provoking. Part of the fun is to find as many as you can. There is a Map & Guide available (pick it up at several locations in town, or download it from the Sculptcycle website) that will direct you to each of the sculptcycles. Most of the pieces are in the downtown business area, but the locations also include the lawn of the Statehouse, the traffic circle, and Stonecutters Way. They will all be on display through the fall.
For further information about the participating artists and sponsors you can visit:
Alternate Species by Delia Robinson, Gear Sphere by James Irving, Yes We Can Overcome by Patrick Purcell