The 30/30 Anniversary Print Project is an exhibition and silent auction supporting the youth education scholarship programs of the Flynn Center for the Performing Arts and Burlington City Arts, in honor of the Flynn Center and BCA’s 30th anniversaries. Prints by the 30 artists can be seen here.
Opening Reception: Friday, January 6, 5pm, CASH BAR
Closing Reception: Saturday, February 18, 5pm
Participating artists, lead by artist/project coordinators Gregg Blasdel, Jennifer Koch and Sumru Tekin, created prints in BCA’s Print Studio at 250 Main Street, as well as the studio of Jennifer Koch.
Prints created by the artists will be part of a silent auction, beginning during the opening reception on January 6th at the Amy Tarrant Gallery. Bidding will continue during regular gallery hours, and end during the closing reception.
Image: print by Gregg Blasdel