Studio V will celebrate its Grand Opening in Vergennes on August 8 & 9. . The studio is owned and operated by artist Bethany Farrell. She will use this space as her personal studio as well as a teaching facility where she will teach both children and adult classes. The Studio will be open from 12pm-5pm on both Saturday and Sunday. In addition it will have an opening reception on Saturday evening from 6pm-8pm. The opening will feature Bethany’s new series of multi-media paintings entitled “Narratives: Portraits of Vermont Women”, as well as the work of Burlington based artist Jodi Whalen and Chicago area artist Greta Bell. The public is encouraged to stop by to peruse the space, experience the artwork, pick-up a fall class schedule and enjoy some refreshments. Studio V is located at 179 Main Street, Vergennes, above Addison Outfitters. Please contact Bethany with any questions or to request a class schedule at 877 6524 or email HYPERLINK "mailto:bethany@bethanyfarrell.com" bethany@bethanyfarrell.com. New studio information also will be available at HYPERLINK "http://www.bethanyfarrell.com" www.bethanyfarrell.com.