$100 Art Sale
For one day this summer Local 64 will be transformed into an art bazaar. Your works in any media, all formats, made available for $100 or less. Participation is super easy; here are the details: For $25 you can have a 3 x 4 foot space available (yes, you can purchase more than one space!); For $50 you can have a 2x3 foot table top and 3x4 foot space. You pack your area to the gills with as much great art as you think you can sell for less than $100. We’ll help with marketing and refreshments. If you have some great art that you want to part with, sign up! More details at: http://local64.com/100dollarart
Sale takes place on Saturday, August 25, 2012 • 10:00am to 5:00pm
Local 64 is a coworking space for creative professionals in downtown Montpelier, Vermont. Our goal is to help tech, arts, entrepreneurial, and community oriented people find each other, work together, generate new ideas, and share those ideas with the larger community.
Image: Local 64 in its first month, with works by Amy Brandt and Rachel Sophrin on the walls.