Announcing the Chaffee Art Center's Annual Gingerbread Contest
The Chaffee Art Center continues the tradition of gingerbread art with its annual Holiday Gingerbread Contest for 2010. Everyone is welcome to join in the holiday
celebrations by making your own gingerbread creation and displaying it in a gingerbread village at the Chaffee Art Center. We welcome all types of designs; farms, churches, homes, stores, make believe places, ski lodges and more.
The contest is open to all ages. Businesses, clubs, schools and groups are invited to participate. The rules for the contest are simple - all material must be edible, no kits are allowed, creations must be on a sturdy platform, 15 inches square is the suggested size. You can drop off your creation between 10 and 3 on November 22, 23 or 24. It must be accompanied by an entry form and a $5 fee. You can get an entry form at the Chaffee Art Center, print one from our website, call us at 775-0356 and we will mail it to you.
The gingerbread creations will be on display at the Chaffee Art Center from November
26 through December 16. Visitors to the gallery will be invited to vote for their top choice from November 27 through December 9. The winner will be announced at the Art Hop Reception on December 10.
Participants can pick up their creations on December 17 or 18 between 10 and 5 so that you can have it at home to enjoy through the holidays! If you have any questions, please call the Chaffee Art Center at (802) 775-0356.
Image: Open Source image from Creative Commons