David Tanych launches his mobile gallery with
Free at Last at the opening of
Together/To Get There, a collaborative exhibit with painter
Meryl LebowitzOpening Reception: Friday, October 12, 5-7 pmTogether/To Get There
Catamount Arts Center
St. Johnsbury, Vt.
Free at Last |
Photo by Herb Swanson |
Metal sculptor, David Tanych of Kirby, Vermont, recently completed his monumental steel sculpture
Free at Last, and will be taking it on the road following its opening night preview on Friday, October 12, at Catamount Arts Center in St. Johnsbury. In November, Tanych will load the sculpture onto a flat bed trailer, creating a mobile gallery,
Steel on Wheels, and drive to Washington, D.C., stopping at major cities and galleries along the way.
Free at Last was begun in Tanych's Los Angeles studio this spring, and was transported cross-country. The large shackle is five feet in circumference and the chain consists of five 40-inch links. “People were giving me the thumbs-up from L.A. to Kirby, and I never stopped without someone approaching me to talk about and photograph the piece.”
On his return to Vermont in July, Tanych began to tackle the 8-foot diameter ball. “I’ve made large, 16 section balls before, but this was the biggest! It was particularly difficult to handle because of its size, and it took several attempts, and failures, before I was able to complete it.”
Tanych believes that taking his sculptures “for a ride” presents a unique marketing opportunity that has paid off. By exposing his work to galleries, in real time rather than photos, he’s been able to generate excitement and find representation in both California and Vermont. “After driving through L.A. with a flat bed carrying three 8-foot jacks and a ball, I’m comfortable taking my sculptures anywhere!”
Free at Last will be on display for one night only, at the October 12 reception for Together/To Get There, a collaborative art exhibit that he and his wife, oil painter Meryl Lebowitz, are sharing at Catamount Arts’ Main Gallery before heading out to New York, Philadelphia, and Washington,D.C. with his unique sculpture.
Tanych’s work can presently be seen at his sculpture field on the Red Village Road in Lyndonville, Vt. His sculptures are also shown on the East Coast at the
Southern Vermont Arts Center in Manchester, Vt., the
Edgewater Gallery in Middlebury, and
Vermont Fine Arts Gallery in Stowe.
Catamount Arts Center
115 Eastern Avenue
St. Johnsbury, Vt.
Catamount Art’s Main Gallery is open to the public free of charge from
11 am – 6 pm Monday through Saturday and before and after each film