Friday, November 30, 2012

BURLINGTON: John Anderson - drawings - at BCA

John Anderson Drawings: 2006-2012 Constructed Conceptual
Opening Reception & Artist Talk (
Free, Cash Bar) 
Friday, November 30th, 5-8pm 
Exhibit continues through January 19, 2013
BCA Center

Vermont-based artist and architect John Anderson challenges conventional definitions of drawing and sculpture by blurring the boundaries between two-dimensional drawing and three-dimensional space. Constructed Conceptual brings together four different bodies of work in which paper and graphite drawings are uniquely cut, torn, rolled, twisted, folded, and painted to create dynamic sculptural objects, and alphabets of line and color.

Burlington City Arts (BCA)
135 Church Street 
Burlington, VT 

Sponsored by: Barry and Laura Dagan, Sally P. Johnson, Lili Ruane 
and Win Smith, Jim and Anne Lampman, Mary Powell and Mark Brooks

UPPER VALLEY: AVA's 2012 Holiday Salon

Opening Reception: Friday, November 30, 5-7pm
November 30 - December 24

AVA Gallery and Art Center
AVA's annual holiday “extravaganza” will have a new look this year. Rather than ranging through all four galleries, this year’s members’ show will feature concentrated, salon-style displays. The exhibition will include the work of artists long associated with AVA as well as those recently involved with our non-profit organization. Works in a variety of media—oil, watercolor, drawing, printmaking, mixed media, photography, ceramics, textile, sculpture, jewelry, and glass—will be on display and available for sale in a wide range of prices. 

AVA’s Holiday Salon will offer not only a lively view of the state of the arts, but also the perfect occasion to acquire gifts of lasting value while also supporting local artists.  Items may be taken as soon as they are purchased, and the exhibition will be replenished as work sells, so be sure to visit again and again!


AVA Gallery and Art Center11 Bank Street
Lebanon, NH 03766

(603) 448-3117
December Gallery Hours:
Mondays - Saturdays, 11am-5pm
Thursdays, 11am-7pm
Sunday (December 2, 9, 16, and 23), 12noon-4pm
Monday (December 24), 11am-3pm

Thursday, November 29, 2012

CHESTER: "Expressions" with artists Blake Larsen, Mareva Millarc, Pat Musick, Polly Whitcomb, and Johanne Durocher Yordan at VT ICA

OPENING RECEPTION: Friday, November 30, 5:30-8 pm
Wine and hors d'oeuvres served.
November 30, 2012 through January 27, 2013

Featuring the work of Vermont artists Blake Larsen, Mareva Millarc, Pat Musick, Polly Whitcomb, and Johanne Durocher Yordan

Vermont Institute of Contemporary Arts
15 Depot Street
Chester, VT 05143
Parking: available at People's United Bank and Chester Hardware across the street from VTica

Hours: Wednesday-Saturday, 11am-6pm / Sunday, Noon-5pm

MONTPELIER: Athena Tasiopoulos - Green Bean Visual Art Gallery @Capitol Grounds

Athena Tasiopoulos "Transcend"
Exhibit: December 1-30, 2012
Reception: During the Montpelier Art Walk on Friday, December 7th

Note: Artist will not be present
Green Bean Visual Art Gallery @ Capitol Grounds
Montpelier, VT


Athena Tasiopoulos creates altered realities in her mixed media composites. Her found photographs are the inspiration to encapsulate humanity by hand embellishing the details of her subject’s gestures with graphite, watercolor, and acrylic.   



Her exhibit Transcend evokes primitive & religious connotations.  The simple yet haunting collection of work begs the viewer to examine their own humanity.  

Explore Athena’s artwork at the Green Bean Visual Arts Gallery @ Capitol Grounds through the month of December.


Visit Green Bean Visual Arts Gallery on Facebook 
or visit: Athena Tasiopoulos

Green Bean Visual Arts Gallery is located inside  
Capitol Grounds.
27 State Street, Montpelier, VT
(802) 223-7800


CHESTER: VT ICA 1st Anniversary Reception

BERLIN: Holiday Art Pop-Up Show at Berlin Mall

One Day Show Brings Local Art to Holiday Shoppers

Saturday, December 1
10am - 8pm
at the Berlin Mall
in a seasonal storefront space next to JC Penny.

Local 64, a coworking hub and creativity incubator in Montpelier, will transform a Berlin Mall storefront into a pop-up art gallery for a single day. The ephemeral gallery will exhibit at least eight area artists’ works to mall patrons. In an innovative partnership, the Berlin Mall will provide space for the art show, while Local 64 will gather its creative community and organize the event. Artists from towns that range from Burlington to East Hardwick will showcase works including photographs, small paintings, prints,sculpture, mixed media, collage work and hand-bound books.

“This is a perfect synergy of content and space,” said Lars Hasselblad Torres, owner of Local 64. “We’re excited to be able to showcase local artists to holiday shoppers. Finding a unique piece of art from a local artist can be challenging; we’re helping connect artists to their larger community.”

Most pieces will be priced at $100 or less
making the pieces perfect for holiday shoppers. The trend of pop-up art shows has been popular in larger cities.

“When I ran a gallery in Washington D.C., pop-up art shows were pretty common,” said Torres. “They always featured affordable art in unexpected places. The key is finding a place where there is a lot of foot traffic and that’s where the Berlin Mall comes in. I met the mall owner, Ken Simon, at a Central Vermont Economic Development Corporation (CVEDC) breakfast and he loved the idea.”

“This type of matchmaking is precisely one of the functions that the CVEDC serves in the community,” said CEVDC Executive Vice President Sam Andersen. “We encourage both CVEDC members and the public at large not only to attend this art show, but also to consider how businesspeople & entrepreneurs – like independent artists – can work together to further common goals.”

“Connecting the Central Vermont community to local businesses and organizations is something that the Berlin Mall really does every day,” said mall owner Ken Simon. “We’re excited to broaden our offerings to include local artisans and we hope that people come to see some of the great art that their friends and neighbors have created.”

The event will take place between 10 AM and 8 PM on Saturday December 1 at the Berlin Mall in a seasonal storefront space next to JC Penny.

Artists will include:
• Amy Burns - Handcrafted journals and notebooks
• Ann Labrusciano - Handprinted tees, sockpuppets, bottlecap art
• Leah Sophrin - Print patterns and small acrylic paintings
• Lyna Lou Nordstrom - Small books, cards, and collages
• Maisey and Clementine O'Connor - Colorful hand sculpted dragons
• Jennifer Isaacs - Photographs
• MJ Wasik - Photographs

Look for other shows in 2013 to increase awareness of local artists in the community.

Gerry Hanifin, Mall Manager
Berlin Mall

PLAINFIELD: Photographer Theodore "Teo" Kaye at Blinking Light

Artist Reception: 
Sun. Dec. 2, 11 am - 1 pm
Exhibit Runs: 
Nov. 23, 2012 - Jan. 27, 2013

Award-winning international photographer Theodore “Teo” Kaye to exhibit at the Blinking Light Gallery, Plainfield, Vt., featuring highlights from his travel and work in Central Asia, including scenes of daily life, landscapes, and “buzkashi,” Central Asia’s typically fiercer version of polo on horseback. 

Born in the U.S., Theodore “Teo” Kaye grew up in China, India and Indonesia, where he discovered a passion for photographing the world. Majoring in Film at Yale, he studied Uzbek and Farsi and went to work as a newspaper editor and mountain guide in Central Asia before settling on a professional international photo career.  In 2011, his series on Buzkashi Riders won a Gold award in the Prix de la Photographie and 2nd place in the International Photography Awards.

A former staff photographer at Rhythms Monthly, a Chinese-language geographic magazine, he has covered stories in China, Taiwan, Japan, India, Sri Lanka, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Ireland and Great Britain. His work has been featured in the New York Times, the International Herald Tribune, the Associated Press, McSweeney’s, CNN, the Asahi Shimbun and the National Film Board of Canada. 


Teo has ties to the local area. He is married to Plainfield native Leah Jamele, daughter of James and Suzanne Jamele. Teo and Leah currently call Tajikistan home, where Leah teaches local first grade students.

Contact info for Theodore Kaye:

The Blinking Light Gallery is a fine art and fun gift shop located at 16 Main St. just off Route 2 in the village of Plainfield, Vermont. The cooperatively-run organization promotes the creative work of area artists, craftspeople, authors and musicians, and seeks to engage the wider community in the enjoyment of the arts.

Blinking Light Gallery
16 Main Street
Plainfield, VT

Gallery Hours: Thursdays: 2-6pm, Fridays through Sundays: 10am-6pm.
For extended holiday hours week before Christmas, please see website:

Contact: Ricka McNaughton, Communications Officer, Blinking Light Gallery

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

MAD RIVER VALLEY: Artists on Display During Country Christmas Weekend

What could be better than artists painting “plein air” during the summer? How about fifteen artists painting indoors during Country Christmas Weekend! The Valley Arts Foundation is hosting the first Holiday Paint-In on Saturday, December 1st and 2nd. Artists are returning from this past summer’s wonderfully successful Plein Air Paint-Out to paint in one of over a dozen stores and merchants participating in Country Christmas Weekend in the Mad River Valley. The Paint-In is a fundraiser for the Valley Arts Foundation and hopefully will become an anticipated annual event.

Conceived as a holiday version of the Great Vermont Plein Air Paint-Out held during the Vermont Festival of the Arts, the Paint-In will include fourteen Vermont artists painting in a variety of stores and galleries along Route 100. The Valley Arts Foundation has been given the use of the old gallery space on Bridge Street to support the event. The gallery will serve as the Paint-In headquarters and will be open from 10 – 8 pm on Saturday and 10-5 pm on Sunday to exhibit works created by the participating artists.

An Artist Reception and Show will begin at 3:30 pm on Saturday. Refreshments will be available and the public is invited to attend. The artists will be painting from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm on Saturday at their designated location, helping to create a festive atmosphere throughout town.Look for the red and green balloons marking the artist locations!

Participating merchants are: Bridge Street Emporium, Artisans’ Gallery, Madsonian Museum, All Things Bright and Beautiful, Waitsfield Wineshop, Mad River Glass, Quench Artspace, Waitsfield Pottery, Mad River Quilt Shop, 4orty Bridge Boutique, Big Picture Theater, Valley Rent-All, The Store, The Warren Store and Three Mountain Café.

Participating artists are: Kathy Bergeron, Robert Chapla, Sarah Rosedahl, Jani Ghirenghelli, Stellan Wollmar, Barbara Greene, Ellen Crafton, Lisa Beach, Joyce Kahn, Gary Eckhart, Dotty Kyle, Megan Reinhold, Judy Greenwald, Lisa Italiano and Gaelic McTigue.

“We are incredibly excited about the response for this fun fundraiser for the Valley Arts Foundation,” said Karen Nevin, Executive Director. “This will be a great opportunity to purchase a unique one-of-a-kind gift for a friend or family member.” Artists are encouraged to paint pieces that can be sold in the gallery over the weekend.A portion of the proceeds from the sale of the artwork will support the Foundation’s year-round operations.

Part of the fun for visitors will be to follow the map and visit the artists as they work.The Paint-In Map of artist locations will be available at the gallery on Bridge Street and at participating stores.“This is a great chance, after doing your holiday shopping, to stop at the gallery on Saturday afternoon or Sunday to see the finished artwork,” said Gary Eckhart, participating artist and Board Director. “Anyone who remembers the Plein Air Paint-Out this summer knows what fun it was to watch the artists at work.Personally, I’m looking forward to painting at Bridge Street Emporium.”

For more information go to: 
or call: 496-6682.

Photo:  Artist Stellan Wollmar painting at Plein Air Paint-Out on Bridge Street this summer.  
credit:  Rebecca Silbernagel

Saturday, November 24, 2012

JERICHO CENTER: Northern Vermont Artists' Association's "Inspired by Gruppe"

The Emile A. Gruppe Gallery presents the Winter Show for members of the Northern Vermont Artists' Association. The exhibition entitled "Inspired by Gruppe" will hang November 23 through December 23rd. An artist reception will be held on Sunday November 25 from 1- 4pm with a talk at 1:30 pm about the history of the NVAA by member Robert Brunelle, Jr.

by Janet Bonneau

The NVAA was founded in Burlington, VT in 1931 as the result of an attempt by Harold Knight to generate exhibition space for local artists. This first show was such a success that the decision was made to make it an annual event. The recently opened Robert Hull Fleming Museum invited the group to hold their next show at the Museum and they did so for the next 40 years. Since then the NVAA has shown in various places in the northern counties of Vermont.

The mission of the NVAA established in 1931 still resonates for today's artists: "To Encourage the study, improve the practice, elevate the standards and advance the cause of creative art."
by Janet Bonneau

Emile A Gruppe, prominent New England landscape painter, was a member of the NVAA in the early 40's. Although his home was in Gloucester, Mass., he regularly traveled to Jeffersonville in the late fall and in the early spring to paint. Many of his Vermont landscapes are on exhibition at the gallery.

The gallery is located outside Jericho Center at 22 Barber Farm Road.
Gallery hours are Thursday through Sunday from 10 am to 3 pm or by appointment 802 899 3211.

Images by Janet Bonneau, current president of the NVAA

BENNINGTON: "Air Quintets and Other Bird Paintings" by Gregory Scheckler

On view November 24 through December 31, 2012 in the Regional Artists Gallery of the Bennington Museum are paintings by Gregory Scheckler, Professor of Art at the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts (MCLA). “Air Quintets and Other Bird Paintings,” groups Scheckler’s paintings into three categories: small portrait studies of variety of songbirds, often head studies; medium-sized action portraits, usually with carefully selected props or an individual creature in flight; and larger paintings that present a duet or other grouping of birds. This exhibition includes thefirst public viewing of three paintings from the artist’s new “Air Quintets” series. The series features five main characters of four birds plus the air’s quality. Meet the artist on Saturday, December 1 at 3:00, when he hosts an artist’s reception at the Bennington Museum.

"Transitional Species" by Gregory Scheckler

Well-known for his lively,realistic paintings of birds, his colorful, avian action-portraits serve as an ongoing meditation on the forms and beauties of nature, life, the theory of evolution and theories of representation in visual art.  Currently focused on painting, his creativity has often embraced life studies and pencil sketches, photo sketches, digital sketches, and the artist’s imagination.  His paintings mix traditional with contemporary art ideas, methods and materials.

Image:  "Transitional Species (Right Foot Left Foot Version)," acrylic on panel, 8” x 10”, 2012

About the Artist
As an artist, Scheckler is focused on painting using well-known traditional art techniques rooted in academic, figurative painting.  He often uses these in experimental ways. As a tenured professor at the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, he teaches drawing, painting, photography and composition for the visual arts from a progressive, yet classical, viewpoint.

He earned degrees from the University of Notre Dame, Utah State University and Washington University in St. Louis where he was also an Eliot Honors Scholar. He studied classical drawing and figure anatomy at the New York Academy of Art, and academic figure and portrait painting through workshops at the Angel Academy of Art, in Florence, Italy.

Since the early 1990s, he has exhibited at locations that have included Ferrin Gallery, Kolok Gallery, Gallery 51, Metro One Gallery, Sivertson Gallery, and Greylock Arts, as well as at museums such as the Southern Vermont Art Center, Washburn Historical and Cultural Museum, Duluth Art Institute, Utah Museum of Fine Arts, One West Art Center, Center for the Visual Arts Gallery at Illinois State University, and Boyden Gallery at St. Mary’s College of Maryland.

Scheckler’s artworks are owned in private and public collections internationally, as nearby as New York City and as far away as Tokyo, Japan.

About the Museum
The Bennington Museum, located at 75 Main Street (Route 9), Bennington has the largest public collection of Grandma Moses paintings in the world as well as the largest collection of 19th century Bennington pottery.  In the other nine galleries, the museum presents a 1924 Wasp Touring Car, one of only twenty produced, military artifacts, one of the earliest ‘stars and stripes’ in existence, fine and decorative arts and more. On view November 24 through December 30 is Festival of Trees – Around the World.  The museum is open Thursday through Tuesday, 10 am to 5 pm.  Regular admission is $10 for adults, $9 for seniors and students over 18.  Admission is never charged for younger students or to visit the museum shop. Visit the museum’s website or call 802-447-1571 for more information.

BURLINGTON: Artists & the Copyright – Presented by Burton and Gravel & Shea Public Event

Artists & the Copyright
Recently there has been a much greater interest in how copyright law protects visual art and the rights of artists to prevent others from copying their works.

How do you protect your work from being copied, reused & sold? What legal recourse do you have, if any, should this happen to you? This free workshop with Jaime Heins from Burton, and Andrew Manitsky from Gravel & Shea, will lead you through the in’s & out’s of artist copyright issues and solutions.

This is a FREE workshop, sponsored by Lake Champlain Chocolates.
Start Time: 12:00
Date: 2012-12-05
End Time: 13:15

Presented by Burton and Gravel & Shea Public Event at:

404 Pine Street
Burlington, VT

BURLINGTON: 2012 South End Holiday (s)HOP!

Burlington's South End Arts District will hold a special 3-day event the weekend of December 14 – 16 for local holiday shopping at over 35 creative business and art studio locations! You can pick up a map at any of the participating venues, or start at The SEABA Center at 404 Pine Street.

Friday, December 14 from 5 – 8 pm
Saturday, December 15 from 10 – 5 pm
Sunday, December 16 from 12 – 4 pm

For details and a list of participating businesses and artists, visit SEABA

BURLINGTON: S.P.A.C.E.: Open Call to Artists - Small Works Annual Holiday Exhibit…now with ornaments!

The S.P.A.C.E. Gallery is holding its annual ‘Small Works’ exhibit again this December and January. There will be two First Friday receptions, along with participation in the Holiday Hop in December.
This is a non-juried exhibit, all artists of any medium, from any location, are welcome to participate! The only criteria for art is that the work be under 12″ in any dimension, we do allow an extra 2″ for frame size.
There is an entry fee of $5 per piece and the maximum number of pieces is limited to 10 per artist.
Now accepting ornaments! (details about submitting ornaments in the submission form)
Drop off is for one week only!
Tuesday, November 27, 2012 through Tuesday, December 4, 2012 
Every day from 11 – 6 pm (closed on Sunday)
The S.P.A.C.E. Gallery
266 Pine Street, Suite 105
Burlington, VT 05401

BURLINGTON: '20 Mediums' at The Soda Plant

The '20 Mediums' exhibit in honor of the 20th Annual South End Art Hop was a huge success! The work is on display through November 30th in The Soda Plant Hallways, so be sure to check it out.

Artist pick up dates are December 1st - 4th, so be on the look out for a personal email with those times and a notice of the next 'Call to Artists' for the building!

The S.P.A.C.E. Gallery
266 Pine Street, Suite 105
Burlington, VT 05401

Thursday - Saturdays 11-4pm
First Fridays, or By Appointment

Friday, November 9, 2012

BURLINGTON: Latitude/Longitude: Weaving Themes, Assembling Stories at Flynndog

During November and December, 2012 at Flynndog, 208 Flynn Avenue in Burlington:
LATITUDE | LONGITUDE: Weaving Themes Assembling Stories, described as “reflections on identity and geographic coordinates in traditional and contemporary media.”

The exhibit contains work by three artists, all bilingual speakers of Spanish and English: Bren Alvarez, Merche Bautista, and Tina Escaja.

Walking into the gallery is like passing through a flowered bower, with embroidered works by Merche Bautista, (her part of the exhibit entitled Chuuy Pixan : Bordar Alma : Embroider Soul) on both walls. Huipils, richly embroidered poncho-like garments worn by traditional women in many Latin American countries, are displayed on the left, and an impressive grouping of 3 rows of 13 embroideries of skulls (calaveras), dating from 2010-2012, on the right. Twenty of the 39 skull embroideries, inexpensively priced at $100 each or 2 for $180, were sold at the opening reception which, according to organizers, allowed Bautista to pay her children's fares to attend the exhibit with her.

The central area of the gallery showcases Instantánea : Snapshot, hanging scrolls by Bren Alvarez, each of which tells  the story of a person of her acquaintance who has moved to the Burlington area from some other part of the world. Alvarez’s black and white  photographs (“snapshots”) of each of these prople are printed on rectangular hanging scrolls suspended from the ceiling, each about the size and width of a person, so that walking up to and among them is like truly  being in the presence of these many migrants to Vermont. The texts, printed on associated scrolls of the same dimensions, tell the story of how each of the subjects came to reside here.

The last of Alvarez’s portraits, that of Tina Escaja, leads to Escaja’s installations. 13 Lunas 13  : 13 Moons 13 is the title of both a book of  Escaja’s poetry, and her exploration of menstruation and women's empowerment, subjects of the installations in this exhibit. I’ll Wrap You in Velvet, a stained glass window built by Laurence Ribbecke, contains an image of a capirote hood (worn by celebrants in the Easter week processions in Spain) at the center, modified by the artist to include a burka-type eye opening, with text about the denial to women of the right to wear the hood. Visitors can also enter the Confessional Booth to record their menstrual stories in a “project involving art, poetry, interactive technology and testimony.....on these topics, many of which are considered taboo... and at the same time, providing the opportunity for self-reflection and testimony or confession.”

This major exhibit was shown previously at the Living/Learning Gallery at UVM and  originally in a very different geographic location as Tejiendo tramas / Tramando historias at Galería Edelo, San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas (México), in July, 2011.

MONTPELIER: The Art Resource Association Members' Show

The Art Resource Association (ARA) held a well-attended reception for its annual exhibit on November 8 from 5-7 PM at College Hall Gallery of the Vermont College of Fine Arts in Montpelier. The exhibit  features two- and three-dimensional work by ARA's member artists, including oil and acrylic paintings, pastels, watercolors, photographs, collage, mixed media constructions, and sculptures in wood and clay.

The Art Resource Association is an organization of Central Vermont artists that promotes and supports its member artists, regularly holding group shows in venues in the Central Vermont area, including a monthly, rotating exhibit at the City Center in Montpelier. Through the Phil Osgatharp Scholarship fund, ARA awards need-based fellowships for the Vermont Artist Week at the Vermont Studio Center in Johnson and classes at Studio Place Arts in Barre.

The exhibit continues through December 9, 2012
Gallery hours are Friday - Sunday,
12 noon to 4 p.m.

SPRINGFIELD: Light and Space - at One Hundred River Street

Thursday, November 8, 2012

STOWE: Rory Jackson at HDAC


Rory Jackson
November 2 - November 25, 2012

Rory Jackson is the People’s Choice winner from 2011’s "Taste of Stowe" event. He is presenting a new body of work for his solo exhibition in the East Gallery. Jackson’s historically representational and vibrant land and seascape paintings are informed by Ghana and Vermont, two places he’s called home.

Read more about Jackson and the exhibit:

Helen Day Art Center
5 School St.
PO Box 411
Stowe, VT 05672

Gallery Hours:
Wednesday through Sunday.
12pm - 5pm, and by appointment.
Gallery entrance is FREE. Donations are accepted

VERMONT: EXPOSED! Call to Artists & Writers

Deadline: January 4, 2013.

Helen Day Art Center invites artists and writers to apply for the 22nd annual Exposed Exhibition. We’re seeking sculptures and site-specific installations suitable for outdoors, text from writers for storefront windows, and participatory or exchange based works. The exhibition will run from July 12 - October 19, 2013.

For the public events each Thursday evening we’re accepting applications from performers, writers, and video artists. All participating artists will receive a stipend.

For more details and an application form, please see:

Saturday, November 3, 2012

BURLINGTON: Karen Guth "Vestiges" at UVM

Opening reception November 8, 5:30-7:30 pm
Karen Guth - "Vestiges"
Living/Learning Gallery on the University of Vermont campus
November 5 - December 7, 2012


Karen Guth is a Vermont-based photographer with personal ties to the city of Detroit. Vestiges is an exhibit of Guth's recent, hauntingly beautiful images of Detroit.

Her photos are emotionally charged yet meticulously composed urban landscapes examining the current condition of abandonment and decay in the city.

Home Interior

Living/Learning Gallery University of Vermont 

Gallery hours:
Monday-Friday 1:00-8:30 pm Saturdays 12:30-4:30 pm

Thursday, November 1, 2012

BURLINGTON: Memorial for Marc Awodey on Friday, Nov. 2, 2012

  Marc Awodey

 Dear Vermont,

You may have heard the sad news that Marc Awodey passed away of a heart attack on October 13. 
A memorial has been planned for Friday, November 2, 2012 at 5 p.m., at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 152 Pearl Street (at the top of Church Street), in Burlington, Vermont. 
He is greatly missed by his family, friends, colleagues, and his hundreds of students.


Marc Awodey's family