Saturday, February 14, 2009

OPINION: Is there a Vermont style or styles?

This is in response to a question submitted by Sam Thurston and posted on February 12, 2009. Further responses will be posted as they are received.

By Clair Dunn, Vermont Photographer

I think strong and definable "styles" come from artists that are in close contact with one another. Focussed either on the same subject or the same technique. As Marc mentioned, the Group of Seven is a prime example. Another, though with different inspiration, was the group of impressionists in France at the turn of the 20th Century. They were in love with light on the landscape. It would be quite hard for a particular style to arise in Vermont I think, for the simple reason that we are so separated. Working in our private hovels with our own agenda. Sadly, we are not likely to run into one another on a daily basis during our coffee breaks. Nor meet in the evenings for raucus and drunken arguments and philosophical discussions!