Saturday, February 28, 2009

OPINION: What constitutes a conflict of interest in the visual arts?

We've decided to post one or two discussion questions a month. March question #1 is submitted by Marc Awodey. Responses will be posted as they are received and may be lightly edited.

One of the reasons VAZ was started is because
Art New England determined that Janet couldn’t review an Axel Stohlberg show at City Center in Montpelier because of her affiliation with the Art Resource Association (ARA), which curates the space. I'm both an artist and a
reviewer, and obviously don’t review shows I’m in, but I’ve also been sure not to review venues that represent my work. I ended my affiliation with Furchgott-Sourdiffe Gallery for that reason. But what about reviewing an exhibition at one of the colleges I teach at? What about discussing a venue whose director has purchased my work? Have you been in a potential conflict of interest situation, and how did you deal with it? The bottom line is - what constitutes a conflict of interest in the visual arts?
above: Exhibit poster for Wolf Kahn - Vermont artist and distinguished critic.