Edward Koren, one of The New Yorker magazine's longest appearing cartoonists and resident of Brookfield, VT, will show in the Main Gallery an exhibition of drawings from several of his thematic musings – natural history diorama animals to maniacal bicycle riders – these are some of his playful and philosophical obsessions, which compliment those chronicled in his cartoons. A comprehensive retrospective of Koren's career in cartoons at The New Yorker curated by Diana Fane and David Rosand is traveling to the Fleming Museum, Burlington, VT this summer.

Our food, wine, and lodging partner, The Huntington House Inn, Rochester, VT will be on the premise, serving wineat $5 per glass with a selection of Vermont cheeses.
Edward Koren, On the Move, 2007, Pen and Ink on Paper, 21.25" x 30".
Fulvio Testa, Untitled, 2011, Watercolor on Paper, 13.5" x 9.375", Louis-Dreyfus Family Collection.
Photos by Tad Merrick.