Family Ties
Now through October 30, 2011
Bryan Memorial Gallery presents Family Ties, an invitational exhibition of paintings and sculpture by nationally acclaimed artists, each of whom is related to at least one other person in the exhibition, by blood or through marriage.
Featuring 80 works by artists who are living or working in Vermont, the exhibition features work by Robert, Jeanette and Bruce Blair of New York State and Vermont, (father, mother and son,) John Brickels and Wendy James of Essex (husband and wife,) the late Alden and Mary Bryan of Jeffersonville, (husband and wife,) Chris Curtis and Tari Swenson of Stowe, (husband and wife), Donald and Christine Mosher of Rockport, MA (husband and wife), Charles Movalli, Dale Ratcliff and the late Charlotte Movalli of Gloucester, MA (husband, wife and mother,) Tom Nicholas, N.A. and T. M. Nicholas of Rockport, MA (father and son,) Don Stone, N.A. and Caleb Stone of Ipswich, MA, (father and son,) and Karen Winslow and Jack Winslow of Cambridge, VT (husband and wife.) All the artists are nationally recognized for their work. The exhibition was curated by Bryan Memorial Gallery's executive director, Mickey Myers, and all the work in the exhibition is for sale.
The exhibition continues through October 30. Through October 10, Bryan Memorial Gallery will be open daily, 11 - 5. After October 10, the gallery will be open Thursday - Sunday, 11 - 4 and by appointment at any time. Bryan Memorial Gallery is at 180 Main Street, Jeffersonville, Vermont. 802-644-5100.
Image: John Brickels, Kafka’s Projector, clay and mixed media sculpture