All 2-dimension media will be accepted for consideration. Submissions can be abstract works and can include photographs of three dimensional works. Seasonal artwork is encouraged. Selected artists will receive a total stipend of $250 for the use of the artwork in both the calendar and note cards. Artists will also receive several calendars and note card sets for their use.
An additional stipend of $150 will be provided to two artists for artwork selected to be used as our holiday cards. These pieces will likely be chosen for the November and December pages of the calendar.
Please send in your submissions on a CD or flash drive; the minimum resolution of the scans must be 300 dpi at the image's maximum reproduction of roughly 10 ½" x 8 ½". Please submit no more than 5 pieces for consideration. Submissions sent by email will NOT be considered. The preferred format for the files is .jpg but .eps files will also be accepted. For each piece submitted, please include the media, year created, unframed size and title.
Please also include with your submission the following:
- A 50-60 word biography/artist statement that will be used in the calendar
- A resume, including your name, address, telephone number, website and e-mail address
- Self-addressed, stamped envelope if you would like your material returned.
Attn: 2013 Artist Calendar
Fletcher Allen Health Care
Foundation Office
111 Colchester Avenue
Burlington, VT 05401
The deadline for submissions is Thursday, June 28, 2012. You will be notified of the final selections by Friday, July 27, 2012.
If you have any questions, e-mail stacey.pape@vtmednet.org, or call 802-847-5977.