The Blinking Light Art Gallery in Plainfield, Vermont, announces:
A show of work by artist and Plainfield native Owen Bissex from Aug. 12 through Sept. 30, 2011. There will be an artist’s reception Friday, Aug. 12, from 4-7 pm. With a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from the Maine College of Art, 27-year old Owen works as a classically trained artist in a range of mediums. His current projects include both realistic and allegorical figurative sculpture in mixed mediums, drawings and rough studies in conte crayon, and a fanciful genre he calls, simply, “monster stuff.”

Owen’s artistic trajectory owes something to the many forms and functions in nature that continue to catch his eye. Soon after college, Owen worked as a studio assistant in Kansas City, Missouri, where he helped to craft natural history and prehistoric life models for such prestigious clients as the Smithsonian Institute, the National Geographic Society and others. He helped create one of the world’s largest dinosaur models for the Indianapolis Children’s Museum.

But Owen has far more than dinosaurs to his artistic credit. His drawing and figure sculpture run from the elegantly classical to the whimsical. He sometimes melds components from the natural world that may seem disparate, but have a lyrical or underlying thematic connection. Some have an uncanny power to delight and disturb simultaneously.
To “Like,” “Tweet,” and otherwise repeat: Look for a feature article about Owen and his work in the upcoming Aug. 4 edition of the
Montpelier Bridge.
Images: Empty Threat, Pasture 1, Pasture 2