The History of Goddard College Exhibit:
An Era of Growth, Expansion, and Transitions, 1960-1969
When: June 25th—December 20th, 2011
Where: Eliot D. Pratt Library, Goddard College, 123 Pitkin Road, Plainfield, Vermont
Curated by Goddard staff and alumnus Dustin Byerly, this exhibit of historical photographs and documents focuses on the ways in which Goddard College responded to the rapid growth of the 1960s. It examines the development of several different College programs and experiments using photographs, historical records, college papers, interviews and video recordings.
These were also the years when Goddard began developing "low-residence" adult programs: the Adult Degree Program (ADP), in which students planned semester-long independent studies in two-week intensive residencies; and the Goddard Experimental Program in Further Education (GEPFE), originally a Head Start Staff Supplementary Training Program, which expanded to serve low-income and other working adults living near the college with a combination of "weekend workshops” and independent studies.
Topics covered in this exhibit include the Adult Degree Program, GEPFE, the Goddard College Fire Department, the construction of the Village for Learning, the Multi-Campus Experiment, the construction of Northwood Campus, the Countercultural Movement, Allen Ginsberg’s 1966 visit, the construction of the Eliot Pratt Center and Library, and President Tim Pitkin’s departure from the College after 31 years. This is just the fourth in a series of exhibits that will eventually document the entire history of Goddard College.
For more information, contact Michelle Barber at 802.454.8311 or visit www.goddard.edu.
Image: Eliot D. Pratt, about 1950