The community is cordially invited to an opening of a solo show by Diane David on Thursday, March 8th, 2012. The show, Going to the Dogs and Other Follies, will be a fundraiser for Franklin County Food Shelf with 20% of each sale going to this charity. Diane is a whimsical colorist, who has shown in California, New York and Vermont. An award winning artist Diane is collected nationally and internationally. See more of Diane's art at Diane David Art on Facebook. The show runs from March - April, 2012. This art show is hosted by Mike McCarthy at the Cosmic Cafe at 30 S. Main Street St. Albans, VT. There is a serious rumor of live music provided by Mike, himself, at the event. Call Mike at 802-5740800 or contact him on the Cosmic Cafe's Facebook Page for more details. http://www.cosmicbakery.com/