Vermont painter Sara Katz’ landscapes are often inspired by a sense of the landscape passing by as the viewer travels, resulting in images of roads, bridges and the streaking scenes on the edges of highways. As she says in her artist statement, “these subjects let me paint in a style that I enjoy the most--loose and active. I try to achieve a paint quality that suggests a fleeting memory, and use bold colors to turn the desolate or banal into a pleasantly nostalgic moment.” The paintings in this exhibition will feature primarily small works of abstract and industrial landscapes.
Sara received a degree in Fine Art from Skidmore College in Saratoga Springs, New York. She is currently the Assistant Director at Burlington City Arts. Her work has been exhibited all over the Burlington area, including The BCA Center, The Maltex Building, The Burlington International Airport and more. Sara will be a featured artist at the Edgewater Gallery in Middlebury, Vermont in July of 2012. Sara grew up in Cabot, Vermont on a vegetable farm/greenhouse and nursery. “Growing things is closely connected to the simplest skills in making art: it requires observation, a connection to color and texture, and a willingness to experiment with materials until the desired results are achieved,” says Katz. More information about the artist can be found at www.saraskatz.com.
Vintage Inspired Lifestyle Marketplace on Flynn Avenue in Burlington, VT is a funky & accessible source of vintage goods for inspired lifestyles. It is a delight for shoppers wanting to combine a love for antiques, curious goods and art. Owner, Mary Heinrich Aloi has a truly inspired eye and her shop is a destination for in-the-know pickers, collectors, and art lovers. For more information and directions to the Marketplace, please visit www.vintageinspired.net