Video by Yu-Wen Wu
Sound by Tamar Diesendruck
presented by Helen Day Art Center
March 9, 2012
Join us March 9th at 6:00 pm for the preview screening of Tempo Frieze, a video installation by Yu-Wen Wu and Tamar Diesendruck. At 6:00 pm Yu-Wen Wu’s solo exhibition, Convergence, opens. There will be a public conversation between the artist and curator Rachel Moore about the work.
Tempo Frieze is a collaborative installation with video by Yu-Wen Wu and sound by Tamar
Diesendruck. Tempo Frieze seduces the viewer with patterns of clouds - their movement sped
up in front of a blue sky. The visuals are so entrancing, that one might not notice the repetitive
sequences in place, intersperced with non-repetitious segments. This combination with a linear
sound track plays the subtle trick of appearing as if the visuals are continuous and nonrepetitive.
The alluring and evolving patterns speak metaphorically to cycles, tempo, time and