Monday, September 17, 2012

ARTISTS CALL: Red - Deadline September 19

Jurors: Lenswork's Brooks Jensen and Maureen Gallagher
Submission Deadline: September 19th, 2012

A primary color.
Light. Laser. Sunset. Earth. Brick. Fire. Lips. Blood. Heart. Heat.
Heroism. Rage. Loyalty. Aggression. Honor. Evil. Love.
Curry. Pepper. Paprika. Pomegranate. Cherry. Apple. Red Dress. Red Riding Hood. The Scarlet Letter.
The Red Badge of Courage.Raise the Red Lantern.
Happiness. Success. Fortune. Fertility. Passion. Lust.
The Feast of the Martyrs.
Rose. Ruby. Cardinal. Sin.
Communism. Socialism. Revolution. And, a safelight in a Darkroom.
Red. Roja. Rosso. Rouge. Red. Rot. Rooi. Roig. Rood. Red. Roge. Rudhira.

For more information, click here: RED.

Darkroom Gallery
12 Main St.
Essex Jct., VT 05452-3132
Open Every Day (11:00-16:00)

(802) 777-FOTO ; (802) 777-3686