This is my art group.
We've been meeting more or less monthly in each others studios for over a year.
This month, at Janet Fredericks, in front of Nancy Taplin's paintings: (left to right) Cami Davis, Sally Linder, Riki Moss, Linda E Jones, Nancy Taplin, Janet Fredericks (seated, center.) Missing: Jane Pincus and Tari Swenson. And last month, at Jane Pincus' studio.
Before starting our critique, we all declared that we wanted more, we wanted to go deeper, we wanted to be braver, less cautious and at the same time, helpful, useful,

Right. We've been making art all our lives, we know this and still...still...we felt we weren't going deeply enough.

Cami Davis suggested that we consider using the four steps in Liz Lerman's Critical Process.
So we did.

Here it is:
1. Statements of Meaning: Responders state what was meaningful, evocative, interesting, exciting, striking in the work they have just witnessed.
2. Artist as Questioner: The artist asks questions about the work. After each question, the responders answer. Responders may express opinions if they are in direct response to the question asked and do not contain suggestions for changes.

4. Opinion Time: Responders state opinions, subject to permission from the artist. The usual form is “I have an opinion about ______, would you like to hear it?” The artist has the option to decline opinions for any reason.
That's it! It worked for us.