PRESS RELEASE: London museum acquires a bowl made by Al Stirt of Enosburg Falls.
The Victoria and Albert Museum in London, England has just acquired a wooden bowl made by woodturner Al Stirt of Enosburg Falls. The fluted Butternut bowl was made in 1987. The museum chose the bowl from the holdings of a U.S. collector.
Vermont Art Zineprovides writeups and reviews of Vermont exhibitions great and small, publishes essays on a range of matters of interest to our visual arts community, and posts links to art resources, portfolios, and blogs by Vermont artists and others (see below). We hope to broaden the range of venues and artists under general discussion with the goal of fostering greater aesthetic awareness, stronger support for the visual arts, and the creation of a critical community in Vermont, for Vermont.
Vermont Art Zineencourages contributions from Vermont art critics and reviewers, as well as unsolicited contributions on topics in the visual arts from a diverse range of artists’ voices from around the Green Mountain State.
Our facebook page is updated frequently with headlines and images. Please COMMENT and discuss what's happening on VAZ and in the visual arts community! Post your own news and links!
How to submit a PRESS RELEASE
We'd love to post your venue's press release. Please send us a prose paragraph of text about the exhibition/event AND one or more jpeg images. Please DO NOT send just an electronic exhibition card. We reserve the right to decline inadequate press releases.
We want Vermont Art Zine to be a commons for our Vermont visual arts community, with information and pictures about shows, artists, and venues around the state. To make that happen, we need artist/writer participation from many, many different voices in many different places in Vermont.
Do you have ideas about issues and hot-button topics in the visual arts? We post questions for response and debate. Let us hear from you!
Write to us at
How To Add Your Link
If you're a Vermont artist or a visual arts presenter, we'd be happy to list your website or blog (one of each) in our LINKS. Send your link to If you'd put up a reciprocal link, that would be great!
Blog Listing Policy
Vermont Art Zine offers to link to one blog per Vermont artist. Send your request to the addresses above. We reserve the right to remove blogs from this list if they have been without a new post for 6 months. If you use your blog more as a website (that is, you put it up and then more or less leave it, with just occasional updates), ask us to list it under VT Artists instead.
We will be happy to link to one website for each Vermont artist. If you have a website and a blog, we will link to one of each. A Vermont artist is someone who resides in the state for more than half the year. Artist websites should be about the visual artwork of the artist. It's OK to sell through your site, but it should be your own work.
The section below lists websites of Vermont galleries, visual arts venues, and non-profit visual arts organizations. It's a useful list for discovering where art is being exhibited and by whom.