The Paletteers (of the Greater Barre Area) is a friendly group of local artists, photographers, and “art appreciators” who meet at the Aldrich Public Library in Barre nearly every month for a delicious potluck, usually with a featured speaker following supper. Now in our fifty-fourth year, coincidentally, we have about fifty-four members! Our vice-president John Weaver is in charge of the scholarship committee, which annually awards a generous scholarship to a deserving local high school student artist. We have three to four members’ shows per year and one is coming up soon. This is a “themed” event, with all entries to be derived from the same one to three selected photographs taken by members of the club. Since our membership includes artists who use varied mediums, are at all skill levels and reflect differing interests, this should be an especially entertaining exhibit. Not all entries need to be for sale, but those that are will be affordably priced and may be purchased by contacting the artist. The show, in the downstairs Milne Room of the library, will be hung on Saturday April 4th by 2 o’clock and will stay up until May 16th. Visitors may se

e the artwork whenever the library is open to the public, and that is Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday noon-8, Thursday 10-6, Friday noon-6, and Saturday 10-4. If you are interested in joining Paletteers, please call Joan T. Smith (president) 229-0910, Bob Murphy (treasurer) 476-4328 or Sylvia Kennedy-Godin (secretary) 563-3157 for information.