Sultan focuses on the details of farm machinery in her hunt for geometry. Blue Angles is the close-up of something dusty and blue, with a circular hole. Deep inside the hole is a chain, but the dust, chain, and rusted blue aren’t the actual narrative of the piece. It’s about what Sultan's title says - angles. Likewise, Orange Arc isn’t the portrait of a weathered coil of hose. Nor is it about curves in the sun, like undulating dunes, or the coiled hose in shadow as it mildews. It’s about variations in value, graceful lines, and pure colors. “Every true artist has been inspired more by the beauty of lines and color and the relationships between them...” wrote Mondrian “...than by the concrete subject of the picture.” And such is apparently true with Sultan.
So formal issues seem paramount in Sultan’s images, but her virtuosity with egg tempera is also quite remarkable. Egg tempera dries very quickly and lends itself more re
To learn more about Sultan’s technique, look out for her book The Luminous Brush, Painting With Egg Tempera; ISBN 0-8230-2888-7. It's currently out of print but there are 4 copies available through right now. Unfortunately the cost is about $150 a piece! So scour your local used bookstores first. Sultan probably teaches as well as she paints.