A Statewide Exhibition
Featuring Vermont Artists
with Disabilities
Application Postmark Deadline:
September 30, 2011
VSA Vermont seeks artwork that is of high artistic quality, demonstrating originality, imagination, skillful use of materials, and quality of craft.
VSA Vermont invites established and emerging Vermont artists to participate in Engage, a touring juried exhibition showcasing works of art by Vermont artists with various disabilities.
The premiere exhibit will be held at the Amy E. Tarrant Gallery of the Flynn Center for the Performing Arts on February 26, 2012.
Participating cultural venues will be physically accessible and the exhibit, Engage, also will provide accessible program and communication features.
The Engage initiative will offer participating artists opportunities to be featured in statewide publicity, to build larger audiences for their work, and to receive technical assistance in the professional documentation and presentation of their work.
VSAVermont’s exhibit will bring people with and without disabilities together to Engage in the experience of art.
Who May Apply?
Vermont artists with various disabilities, regardless of experience or formal training, who are at least 18 years of age or older are eligible to apply. We encourage participation by artists who have lifelong disabilities as well as artists applying with artwork completed after the onset of their disability. A disability, as defined in the Americans With Disabilities Act, substantially limits one or more major life activity.
Technical Assistance with Digital Imagery
Artists who cannot provide digital photographs of their artwork are invited to attend one of three Technical Assistance sessions offered during the months of August and September. At the Technical Assistance sessions photographers will be available to take digital images of artwork. Appointments for Technical Assistance are available on a first-come-first-serve basis, and with limited availability. More information at http://www.vsavt.org/engage/technical-assistance
Application form and instructions at: www.vsavt.org/engage
Image: VSA project O.N.E.der Dome at the Hyde Street Pocket Park in Burlington