Check out 152 Cherry Street, former home of Outdoor Gear Exchange and new home of Church of Circus!
This project brings a core group of Burlington artists together during the month of August to create an interactive, spectacular, accessible, performative, informative space for art.
The Church of Circus is a ‘pop-up’ group art exhibit installed temporarily in the space that was formerly Outdoor Gear Exchange, a huge retail space in downtown Burlington. In a dizzying installation of sculpture, painting, photography and performance, ten Vermont-based artists plan to put their own spin on the Brechtian tradition of collaboration and audience participation as a vehicle to aesthetic experience. The Church of Circus preaches ‘Art For All’, creating an interactive lively and provocative atmosphere for all who enter.

Art Bishop Bell
Kat Reverend Clear
Clark Choir Boy Derbes
Andy Abbot Duback
Nancy Deacon Dwyer
Wylie Your Grace Garcia
Elliott Dean Katz
Abby Church Mouse Manock
Lindsay Canon Vezina
Tony- Lee Preacher Sangastiano
Image below: The space before Church of Circus