Gallery Show and Movie: Chihuli Short Cuts
Friday, September 2, 2011
6:30 - 7:30 pm
Friday, September 2, 2011
6:30 - 7:30 pm
by Sarah Mutrux
For a lot of people, the artistic process is private and introspective. But not all artists work this way. Some of the most famous artists throughout history have worked with a team of artists to produce their work -- Andy Warhol, for example.

I first saw Dale Chihuli's work in the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. Many tons of glass had been rendered into pre-historic gardens, immense chandeliers, and back-lit glass ceilings. The over-sized installations gave the viewer an other-worldly experience.
I have been thinking about this group process all summer. What happens when we get a group of artists together to create work with one intention? All summer, kids and adults alike have been gathering at The Art House to work on their own projects, and we have been seeing some beautiful results--from playful paste paper to whimsical clay birdhouses. What will happen if we come together with the intention of our many hands and minds creating one body of work?
Well, come and see! On September 2nd the gallery will open with an exhibit of pieces created by Craftsbury residents and visitors. I can't tell you what it will be--the group hasn't decided yet.
The Art Talk will be a showing of several short film clips illustrating the power of the group-art process featuring the work of Dale Chihuli. I hope that some of our own artists will be there to talk about the experience of being one in a big group of artists, and the work that they produced. Followed by a reception at 7:30 pm.
The Art House Gallery, Studio & School is located at1146 North Craftsbury Road, Craftsbury Common, Vermont 05827