August 30 - October 7, 2011
Opening Reception, September 7 from 4 to 6 pm
Opening Reception, September 7 from 4 to 6 pm

I won't say much about my work in the 'here's how' category because it's not something I like to do. For me there is true magic in trying to figure out the 'here's how' when it comes to really experiencing art. The less I can figure out on my own the more hooked I am on the art.

Some of them do have titles - the one with the big pins in it is Marie Laveau (the voodoo queen of New Orleans). The very round one who is playing the role of gallery greeter is Round yon Virgin. Ms. Liberty is the one with a plastic Statue of Liberty pin and several plastic US flags.

The girls range in height from 8feet to 10+feet. I'm pretty sure they'll be getting somewhat shorter once I finish the one I'm making right now, having found out that trucks are limited in height so as to fit under bridges, etc., and because I didn't make any of my girls with thoughts of potential horizontality... catch my drift!