PRESS RELEASE: Women’s Work at T.W. Wood Gallery in Montpelier
Women’s Work IS Done – and Exhibited!
August 16th-Septemebr 25th in Montpelier’s T.W. Wood Gallery & Arts Center
The T.W. Wood Gallery & Arts Center is pleased to host one of their largest and most comprehensive Group Shows in recent memory –Women’s Work – The Visual Art of Vemont’s Women.
Some two dozen Artists will be on exhibit in the Wood’s Main Gallery from August 16th through September 25th. This eclectic and exciting exhibit of some of the State’s most accomplished and acclaimed artists will kick off with a Gala Opening reception on Thursday, August 18th from 5-7 pm. Please join many of the artists represented as well as the Wood’s Board and Staff for a celebration of these wonderful works by Vermont’s Visionary Visualists!
Among the Artists represented are: Gladys Agell, Alex Bottenelli, Judy Dales, Lois Eby, Elizabeth Fran, Marcie Hemansader, Barbara Korecki, Sally Linder, Linda Maney, Janet McKenzie, Riki Moss, Liz Nelson, Jane Pincus, Barbara Readon, Delia Robinson, Anne Sarcka, Diannne Schullenberger, Kathy Stark, Missy Storrow, Susan Swayer, Janet Van Fleet, Ann Young, & More! And don’t forget to visit the newly refreshed exhibit of our founder, T.W. Wood and some of his friends and contemporaries in the Wood Room, and browse our fine collection of Vermont Arts and Crafts in the Wood Shop.
The T.W. Wood gallery & Arts Center is located in College Hall at the Vermont College of Fine Arts - 36 College Street in Montpelier, VT. Gallery hours of operation are Tuesdays through Sundays – 12 Noon until 4:00pm. The T.W. Wood Gallery & Arts Center is an accessible venue.
Image: Summer Installation #1, a photograph by Barbara Korecki of her own work