May 4 - June 27, 2012
Reception May 4th 6-9pm
Dynamic new work from artists on the 3rd floor of Howard Space Center, 2-4 Howard St., Burlington, VT will be on exhibit at Flynndog during the months of May and June. The Third Floor Artists are a vibrant mini-community within the larger South End Arts District community. The following artists will have work on exhibit:

JULIE A. DAVIS: Sensuous oils painted in plein air with loose and expressive brushwork. She works quickly to capture both a representation of the scene before her, and an expression of her emotional responses to it. Here, she presents abstractions informed by landscape, as well as nature pieces. Davis' work is known for its variety, unique compositions, and its timeless and engaging quality.
WYLIE SOPHIA GARCIA: Luscious fabric pieces bend, bulk, and stitch contrasting materials to evoke feminine metaphors and anxious desires. Garcia pursues embellishments, myths, and performance art. Here, she works three-dimensionally with Maggie Sherman.

PAIGE BERG RIZVI: Vivid oil paintings have the feel of magic realism in them as she explores image and color with an exacting, yet playful hand. Using oils and encaustics, she creates imaginative, brilliant images that invite the eye and mind to linger.
MAGGIE SHERMAN: Collaborating here with Wylie Garcia in the creation of a whimsical winged chair, the well-known community artist blends humor and performance art.
SHARON WEBSTER: A new sculptural body of work, "Stairs for Heaven and Earth," free-standing sculptures and assemblage inspired by the recent death - and life - of her mother. Webster's work is "exhilaratingly abstract and surreal, yet poignantly expressive," according to Christopher Faris. "Her constructions are magically, mysteriously thought-provoking."
Flynndog is at 208 Flynn Ave., Burlington, VT; Hours are 7 am - 7pm daily
Images (top to bottom):
Untitled, by Maea Brandt
Detail of Blue Redbirds, by Paige Berg Rizvi
Detail of SCRIPT, Stairs for Heaven and Earth, by Sharon Webster