Sara Tucker
What happens when a couple of master cartoonists get together to talk shop? Find out on June 2, when the Korongo Gallery hosts an informal discussion with Randolph-based artist Phil Godenschwager and Steve Bissette of the Center for Cartoon Studies. A legend of modern horror comics, Steve Bissette made his name as the artist on The Saga of the Swamp Thing. His latest book isTeen Angels & New Mutants. Phil Godenschwager's phantasmagorical 2D and 3D works use cartoon imagery to depict the social and political horrors of our time. His current exhibit, "Scattered Art," is on view at Korongo until June 5. Seating is limited; reservations recommended: 802-728-6788 or korongotex@aol.com ($10 in advance; $12 at the door).