RECENT CHAOS: Landscape, Kimono and Abstraction
Frank Woods
At the hospital through June 3 in the main entrance lobby.
Frank Woods is a native of Canada. He was born in Vancouver and raised in Montreal, where he also attended college at McGill University. There he received his BA in economics and political science. Following his years at McGill, Frank earned his Master of Science in Library Science (MSLS) at Simmons College in Boston. He began drawing by taking classes in the evening division at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts.

Kimonos came into being during the Heian period (794-1192) in Japan. The word originally meant clothing and later evolved into use as the name of a specific article of clothing. Today, in the Japanese culture kimonos are only worn for special occasions. Vintage kimonos and newly created kimonos are often works of art. Frank uses the outline of the kimono to serve his interest in surface design, composition, and the exploration of different materials.