The Road to the East:
A pastel painting exhibit
June 4 to Friday July 1, 2011
City Center, Montpelier, Vermont
These pastels from 2006 and 2007, were made in France, Slovakia and Finland by Sam Kerson and by Katah. The show will consist of thirty figurative pastels of 18x24 inches, and will create a window on these communities that we visited in the eastern part of Europe. A few pictures are from France where we visited and painted on the way to these residential workshops which we experienced in Parkany, Slovakia, as well as in Ii and Kemi Jarvi, Finland. In all three cases our proposals called for us to make pictures of the people and the countryside in the regions that we were visiting. Our work was in the spirit of cultural exchange, and in each case we made exhibitions of the work at the artist residencies. However, this exhibit in Montpelier, Vermont is the first time these pictures have been shown outside of the communities where they were created.
Sam Kerson studied for many years with the late Vermont, Abstract Expressionist, the artist and painter, Robert M. Fisher. This exhibit is conceived as a tribute to Robert Fisher and your discerning eye is sure to recognize Bob's sense of color and composition in all the works.
Sam has been, and continues to be, the artistic director of the Vermont theatre company Dragon Dance since its founding in 1976. Katah joined Dragon Dance in 2000 and also worked with Robert Fisher during the first years of the new century.
More information about these and other series of images, and events created by Sam and Katah, at Dragon Dance, are available at our web pages: www.samkerson.com www.dragondancetheatre.com