Photographs by Richard W. Brown" , June 3-July 5, 2011. A reception and gallery talk by Richard Brown will be held on Friday, June 17, 5:30-7:30. Brown will speak on the experience of taking
these photographs: what it was like working with Tasha Tudor as well as offering specific details about some individual pieces. He will also
discuss the technical process involved in producing them.
For over ten years, photographer Richard W Brown documented the early nineteenth century lifestyle that the celebrated illustrator, Tasha Tudor (1915 - 2008), created on her simple
yet deeply evocative farm. Brown remembers her world as a magical place -- "East of Vermont and west of New Hampshire" --
as she was fond of saying. "Her's was a world caught in the year 1830, idealized yet clearly real. Floppy-eared goats grazed in the pasture, doves
fluttered about the roof ridge, and chickens scratched about in the yard. The rambling farmhouse and outbuildings were nestled into the hillside, and softened by the vines, clinging roses, and lilacs that nearly engulfed them. And because Tasha cooked all her meals on an old cast-iron

kitchen range, the air was always tinged with the smell of woodsmoke. The scene before me looked like a nineteenth century farmscape by Durrie or Homer," recalls Brown, "It begged to be photographed."
Brown has published award-winning and best selling books of these photographs, including The Private World of Tasha Tudor, and Tasha Tudor's Garden, in this country, as well as many subsequent books on Tasha Tudor in Europe, and especially in Asia where she is particularly revered. Recently, the photographer has been working on prints of his favorite images from this body of work. Because of the vintage quality of the subject, he has been developing techniques that, while done with state-of-the-art digital technology, result in works on paper that emulate some of the old fashioned photographic processes such as sepia prints, platinum prints, and hand-colored photographs that he admires. These images are printed on artist's 100% cotton rag paper for permanence, richness and subtlety of tone, and elegance of finish.
Furchgott Sourdiffe Gallery is located at 86 Falls Road, in Shelburne Village. Hours are Tue-Fri 9:30-5:30, and Sat 10-5.
For more information call 985-3848, write: mail@fsgallery.com, or visit
the website at www.fsgallery.com

Tasha, Stove, Parrot