Exhibit Dates: May 3 - May 27th
Exhibit Opening Reception 4/6/2011 5-7:00PM
Darkroom Gallery
12 Main St.
Essex Jct., VT
Any Questions call
(802) 777-3686 or (802) 238 2647
Is there such a thing as truth and lies in digital art photographs, or is it all just possibility?
This exhibit explores the question. Our 14th exhibit includes 40 Digitally Manipulated photographic images from around the world: six countries, ten states and four local photographers. Some of the images are quite large – 5 and 6 feet long.
Suzette Troche Stapp served as juror for this exhibit. She said:
"When looking at this exhibit of images I hope you will see fully thought out photographic ideas, where imaging has enhanced the artist’s story. I am thrilled to be a part of this wonderful exhibit; my Juror’s choice was quite easy. This artist submitted several images and I had a hard time deciding which image I would ultimately choose. Often images and ideas get heavy and bogged down when digital manipulation comes into play, but this artist was singled out because of the delicate use of pixels…The quality of the work was exceptional and deserved to be highlighted as my Juror’s Choice. "
Image: Juror's Choice: Dragons by Van Chu Salt Lake City, UT USA